Going Vegan: a week in review

Am I still considered a virgin? I mean, it’s been a full week, so I’d say my figurative vegan cherry has been popped. That’s right – I’ve made it one whole week as a vegan! I have to be honest, I didn’t know if I could last this long but I’ve been receiving so much positive feedback and love from you guys that it’s actually been pretty easy!

Why Try Vegan Beginner

How I feel after one week of being a Vegan

I know it hasn’t been very long, but I’m already feeling different. Here’s what I’m loving:

 I have a flat tummy throughout the day! I’d gotten used to having a flat tummy in the morning, but inevitably by the afternoon I’d want to rip off my skinny jeans and throw on fat pants. Seriously everyday. The bloat was out of control. I’m amazed that I’m not bloated anymore considering all the legumes I’ve been eating.

Speaking of legumes… my body is working pretty hard to get used to them. And just like with any new (food) relationship, we have our awkward moments. I’m gassy ya’ll. The only saving grace here is that I know that this is a temporary transition and once my body gets more used to legumes, the flatulence should calm the eff down. TMI? Whatever, we’ve all been there 😉

I’m way more full than I was when eating paleo. My biggest worry going into this was being hungry all the time. I thought I’d be constantly snacking and dissatisfied after meals but I’m finding that it’s the complete inverse. I’m snacking way less that I used to because I’m actually fuller, longer from my meals (I’m not knocking snacking btw – I think healthy snacks are the bomb).

why try vegan beginner

I have way less cravings. For those of you that know me, you know that I LOVE dark chocolate and definitely have a sweet tooth. I still love dark (vegan) chocolate but I’ve been surprised to find that I hardly have sweet cravings now. Theory? I’m putting more of an emphasis on the actual nutrients going into my body now. Due to nutrient-dense meals, my body isn’t lacking essential minerals and vitamins that can translate into sweet cravings.

It’s cheap! Hubby and I did our grocery run for the week the other day. Our weekly grocery bills usually hover around the $250 per week mark fruit, veggies, meat, meat & more meat. This last week’s bill was $85. So das coo’.

Vegan Meals + Recipes

After so long of the one-pan chicken & veggie dish meals, I think my Husband is particularly excited about all the new meals we’ve been eating this week. We’ve been trying out new recipes and playing around with plant-based staples like legumes. Here’s a sample of what we eat on a regular day.

Breakfast: Apple Cinnamon Lentils (recipe coming soon!)

Cinnamon Apple Lentils Vegan Breakfast

Snack: Sugar snap peas

Lunch: Sweet Potato Toast 

Sweet Potato Toast vegan paleo recipe

Dinner: Lentil Burgers

Vegan Lentil Burger Recipe

The Haters

So far so good! I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how positive people have been. I’ve received a ton of questions about going vegan and although some are skeptics, they’re mainly just intrigued and usually open minded. We’ve eaten at friends’ places twice this past week and both were totally receptive to dishing up vegan dishes. Maybe I just have really good friends 🙂

Favourite Vegan Resources

Vegan Recipes

Vegan Blog 

Vegan restaurant locator

I also ask a lot of questions and have been getting some really great advice through vegan Facebook groups like this one 

why try vegan beginner

I’m sure there’ll be some tough days ahead but for now, I’m enjoying the smooth veggie sailing. If this keeps up, I might go for longer than one month, who knows 😉

Love, peace & veggie tales

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The ultimate better-than-beef Vegan Lentil Burger

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